The Undebeatables - Episode 135: Unnecessary Asides

It’s week 2 and the boys are trying to figure out if the pace and space era is already over. Also, what’s up with Memphis? Plus, Joey’s Stat of the Week and way-too-in-depth analysis of a tweet. Halftime music Headnod (Asleep) by AL GO RHYTHMIC.

  1. Eat at Marrow
  2. Kobe!
  3. Kobe!…statistics
  4. Bell’s Winter White Ale
  5. #didntloseby50
  6. How Joey tabulates the Stat-of-the-Week At the ~1:40 mark

The Undebeatables - Episode 134: We're On The Board!

It's a win streak!  The Pacers go 3-1 this week, let's revel in it.  We break down what has improved and talk tons of PG bad-assedness.  Plus our newest PG (point guard that is), Monta Ellis.  Go Hickories! Or Milan.  Or something.  It's meta-deep.


The Undebeatables - Episode 132: We've Started Off 0-132

The regular season has finally begun!  Tough start for the Pacers, but The Undebeatables are ready to go.  This week, we mourn the loss of Pacers great Mel Daniels.  We also discuss our first three games of the season and institute a new Paul George drinking game.  Get your livers ready!


The Undebeatables - Episode 130: A Bango Ate Your Baby

Our season preview continues with a breakdown of the Eastern Conference.  Find out just how bad it will be and how much worse the mascot situation is.  Take the under on the mascots.

Halftime music:  "Higher" by AxJ ft. Jimmy Jones & Tracie Cieara
