The Undebeatables - Episode 408: Hall Of Lame

The Pacers went 1-2 this week as the schedule got tougher. Find out how the team did and get updated on the injury report, which may soon become a spinoff pod. Go Pacers!


The Undebeatables - Episode 403: Check with the Bride

Welcome back, Pacer Nation! The NBA season has arrived. We have everything you need to know about your newest Indiana Pacers. Congrats to Sabonis on his contract extension. And congrats to the Doctor on his upcoming wedding ceremony. Undebeatacon 14ish in Beantown this weekend!

Halftime: Lavender by Clint Breeze and the Groove


  1. Pacer’s Circle of Trust

  2. New-look Pacers

  3. Domantis Contract Extension