The Undebeatables - Episode 031: Part 1, Equipped with a Thunder Hammer

Part 1 of a season preview blowout, the boys breakdown the Pacers' roster top to bottom, with one exception. Apologies to Rasual Butler. His last minute inclusion to the final roster was a surprise. Glad to have you on board, Rasual! 

Halftime music: Oil Company Blues by Hearts and Daggers

Links for Episode 31

  1. Rasual makes the cut!
  2. Pabst Blue Ribbon
  3. Bell's Oarsman Ale
  4. Woodford Reserve
  5. Gunning for #1 Spot
  6. The Rook Solomon Hill
  7. Grantland's Pacer Preview 

The Undebeatables - Episode 028: No "Dislike" Button

With Triplett on the IR, the boys are forced to tackle complicated questions without the wisdom of their doctor. How much money will PG actually make, what do CBA and NFL stand for, why is Tamika Catchings playing center, and does Taipei count as a Pacer home game? Plus Harper's Colts Update and, not one, but two mind-blowing Joey's Stats of the Week.  

Links for Episode 28

  1. Coalson's Cosmo Mintini
  2. Paul George's Max Max
  3. Bird on Granger
  4. Tamika Catchings is better than you
  5. JB Intensive Trainer
  6. Orlando's Apology
  7. Grantland Article on World's Loudest Crowd
  8. Shaq's Soda

Halftime music: Meaning by Scoot Dubbs


The Undebeatables - Extras 002: Legacy

Was it a Kevin Dur-rant?

Late night conversation between Harper and Coalson turns inevitably to basketball. For better or worse, they recorded it for Pacer Nation. You're welcome!

Halftime: Meaning by Scoot Dubbs.

Links for Extras 002

  1. NBA's 50 Greatest Players
  2.  Larry Bird is Crazy Good