The Undebeatables - Extras 22: 251 to 300 - Zero Distraction Seams
/Another Clip Show, Pacer Nation! Relive the 2017 offseason that began with the trade of face-of-the-franchise Paul George and reinvented itself into one of the most connected and enjoyable Pacer teams in decades.
Halftime: Dear Ms. Lauryn by Willis
The Undebeatables - Extras 19: 201 to 250 - Our Identity Is Inconsistency
/Pacer Nation, we hope you had a safe and happy holiday season during this difficult year. Our gift to you is another clip show! Relive the 2016-17 season, in which new head coach Nate McMillan presided over an uninspiring .500 team that had us fretting all year about losing All-Star Paul George to free agency, until the triumphant return of Lance Stephenson changed everything. Plus, the closest sweep in NBA playoff history, Russell Westbrook’s triple-double MVP campaign, the Doctor’s game-watching strike, and plenty of Joey’s Stats, and Undegooglables, and nonsense.
Halftime: Top Shotta by Termanology prod. by Statik Selektah
Previous Clip Shows
The Undebeatables - Extras 17: 151 to 200 - Graduated to Another Plain of Podcasting
/It’s another clip show, Pacer Nation! Get nostalgic and relive the 2015-16 Pacer season, which included flirting with small-ball, the greatest dunk contest ever, an epic 7-game playoff series against the Raptors, and concluded with the firing of Coach Vogel and trading of hometown hero, George Hill. It’s more fun than it sounds. Join us for some memories, stats, and laughs. Select Extras 005, Extras 14, Extras 16 to binge our earlier clip shows.
Halftime: Buffalo Wings by Hoosier Apex
The Undebeatables - Episode 591: Be With Your Loved Ones
/The boys review the previous week of NBA playoffs and give you Joey’s Stat, an Undegooglables, and nonsense.
Halftime: PosteX by Marc van den Bovenkamp
The Undebeatables - Extras 16: 101 to 150 - An Awesome of Undebeatables
/Enjoy a stroll down memory lane with this clip show from Undebeatables’ episodes 101 through 150. Follow the show from our early years, while reliving the epic 2015 Pacer’s offseason that witnessed the breakup of the successful Smash Math teams and ushered in All-Star Paul George as Indiana’s undisputed leader of a small ball attack. To catch up from the beginning of our pod, check out Extras 005 and Extras 14.
Halftime: Higher (ft. Jimmy Jones & Tracie Cieara) by AxJ
The Undebeatables - Extras 14: 51 to 100 - Meandering Through the Basketball Universe
/Pacer Nation, the re-release of this clip show can only mean one thing…brand new clip show to come…
For Pacer Fans new to the Undebeatables, we figured we'd help you catch up with some highlight shows from our early pods. In this episode, relive the drama of the 2013-14 Pacers post-All-Star break as they struggle to hold the 1 seed, the tragic off-season leg injury to Paul George, and the scrappy, but injury-plagued 2014-15 team.
The Undebeatables - Extras 005: Awash in Undebeatable Goodness
/Pacer Nation, the re-release of this clip show can only mean one thing…brand new clip show to come…
For Pacer Fans new to the pod, it can be hard to mine through all the back episodes. With that in mind, we are re-releasing our 50th episode highlight show! Check out our humble beginnings and realize the only thing that has actually improved over the last 5 years is our sound quality. Enjoy!
The Undebeatables - Episode 590: 10,000 Simulations In My Head
/This week we update the playoff picture and give out our NBA Undebeatawards. Go Pacers!
Halftime: MotionRide by Muffin
Undebeatables Classics - Episode 2: Gold From the Muck
/Re-visit the Undebeatables’ first ever NBA nickname game (Episode 240). The Pacer season is over, but the content doesn’t stop.