The Undebeatables - Episode 464: Eeyore Is the Math Guy

Pacer Nation, it looks like your Indiana Pacers are facing the Miami Heat in the first round of the playoffs. It also seems the rumors about coach Nate McMillan were overblown, but we talk about them anyway. Are you happy about the extension? Let us know. Plus, 8th seed Western Conference chaos and bees. Check us out.

Halftime: Finding the Balance by Kevin MacLeod


Nate’s Extension


Joey’s Stat

Joey’s Stat 2

Amazon Link

The Undebeatables - Episode 463: PG Is Chumps

Pacer Nation, your boys are 4-1 in the Bubble. Rejoice with your favorite Pacer podcasters! Listen for all the breakdown. Plus, top plays of the week, Aaron Holiday love, and some Paul George shade. And where is TJ Warren on Coalson’s top 25 Pacers list? Does Dame Lillard qualify for the list? Check us out.

The Undebeatables - Episode 462: Get To The Blubber

The boys talk TJ Warren, ‘cause how could we not? The man is straight on fire. Plus, the Pacers’ strategy in the bubble, the durability of Malcolm Brogdon, the whereabouts of Lance Stephenson, and why isn’t everything elephants? Check us out.

Halftime: Dub Feral by Kevin MacLeod

  1. Bubble TJ Warren

  2. Brogdon’s Social Justice Initiative

  3. Lancy Pants

  4. Amazon Link (We appreciate you)

The Undebeatables - Episode 460: Bubblytics

This week we discuss the Sabonis injury, preseason performance, and reveal our yearly Undebeatawards.


  1. Halftime music: "Motherlode" Kevin MacLeod (
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

  2. Stat of the Week: Lou Williams

  3. Amazon referral

The Undebeatables - Episode 458: A Pustulous Affair

Pacer Nation, we hope you are healthy and staying sane. This week the boys talk the upcoming Pacer schedule, the will-he-won’t-he Oladipo saga, NBA Jam, but potentially need to enact the explicit rating for the British Commonwealth. If you are using Amazon, do it here and give us some love. Stay safe and wash your hands.

Halftime: Your Call by Kevin MacLeod


  1. Joey’s STOW

  2. The Palace Implodes

  3. Postal Trucks on Fire

  4. Bloody

The Undebeatables - Episode 457: The Bright Lights Are Too Big

The Undebeatables - Episode 457: The Bright Lights Are Too Big

This week The Undebeatables discuss the pivotal Game 5 of the 2002 Playoffs vs. the New Jersey Nets, and the new rules players need to follow when the league starts back up again in July.

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The Undebeatables - Episode 456: Waived Off the Coroner

Hope of the NBA season returning this summer now seems in jeopardy as the players decide whether it is wise to resume basketball amidst COVID and a momentous social justice movement. Your favorite Pacer podcasters break it all down. Plus, they revisit the 2000 NBA Finals, Lakers versus your Indiana Pacers, Game 4. Kobe took control in overtime, but did Larry Bird miss his chance to avoid overtime altogether? Listen in and decide.

Halftime: Funin and Sunin by Kevin MacLeod


Enjoy a Halftime Show

The Undebeatables - Episode 455: Slower and Louder

Pacer Nation, the NBA is coming back! Your favorite Pacer podcasters breakdown the exciting news. They also revisit the 1995 Memorial Day Miracle, one of the Pacer’s most amazing finishes in playoff history. Hopefully it brightens your day a bit. It did ours. And finally, with the world “going haywire” and everything “on the fritz” the boys tackle a couple of Undegooglables.

Halftime: Cruising for Goblins by Kevin MacLeod


  1. Eight Can’t Wait

  2. Joey’s Stat

  3. Mapping Police Violence